The Warlock School of Magic is a clandestine and enigmatic institution, where students are taught to wield the power granted to them by pacts with otherworldly entities. Hidden in plain sight among the bustling streets and alleys of the Heroes Market, the school operates in the shadows, known only to those who seek forbidden knowledge and the promises of power that come with it. The school's spire, dark and twisting like the secrets it holds, is surrounded by occult symbols and guarded by wards that obscure its true nature from prying eyes.
At the heart of the Warlock School is the study of pact magic: an arcane art born of bargains struck between mortals and powerful, often malevolent, beings. These entities might be fiends, fey lords, or ancient cosmic forces—beings whose power and motives can be both unpredictable and dangerous. Students learn to tap into the vast reservoirs of power granted by their patrons, balancing their desires for personal gain with the ever-present risk of being drawn into the whims and schemes of their otherworldly sponsors.
Advanced Armory is proud to offer a selection of Warlock spells, which can be found in Heroes Guild II. Keep an eye out for a Warlock Spell Pack in the future!