The Druid School of Magic is a revered institution dedicated to the ancient and primal arts of nature. Hidden deep within the vast, labyrinthine garden of the Arcane College is a sanctuary where the balance of the natural world is studied and revered. At the heart of the school is the belief that nature itself is a living, breathing entity and that magic flows through every plant, animal, stone, and stream. Druids are taught to respect the cycles of life and death, the balance of seasons, and the interconnectedness of all things. They learn to shape-shift into animals, commune with spirits of the wild, and control the forces of the elements, but also to heal, protect, and preserve the natural world from the ravages of over-exploitation and corruption.
Advanced Armory is proud to offer a selection of Druid spells. In the Heroes Guild II you will find the basic spells all new druids learn, while in Dungeon Deck II you will find orcish variants taught to Marsh Druids. Keep an eye out for a Druid Spell Pack in the future!