The Book of Dragons is a unique and prestigious study, cultivation, and mastery of draconic magic, a powerful and ancient form of magic drawn from the legendary creatures known as dragons. This school is not only focused on learning about the dragons themselves but also on harnessing the mystical forces associated with them—such as primal elemental power, awe-inspiring strength, and ancient draconic wisdom. While dragons themselves are often seen as terrifying and aloof beings, those who study the Book of Dragons are taught to understand and work with their immense power in a respectful and controlled manner.
The school itself, however, only admits a certain type of student. Humans, elves, dwarves, and the other artisan races are typically snubbed in favor of the sentient monster races. They make exceptions, however, for specific mage classes and members of the Slayers Guild.
Advanced Armory is proud to offer a selection of dragon-themed spells. You can obtain these awesome cards from the Dreadful Dragons deck. Follow us for updates on future spell decks and spell booster pack releases.